Taking Steps Towards Body Acceptance And Body Appreciation

Taking Steps Towards Body Acceptance And Body Appreciation

We’ve been swimming in diet culture since the day we were born, our body image is crap as a result, now what?

It’s unrealistic and unsustainable to move from “hating” the body we have to “loving” it. There’s nothing wrong with this goal but we don’t have to love our bodies to have an awesome life. This can set us up for another endless pursuit of something that keeps us stuck and still hyper-focusing on how our bodies look.

Enter: Body Acceptance and Body Appreciation

Acceptance: Does not mean you have to like it, want it, choose it, or throw positivity on it. It means you are accepting what is, not what you wish it was. Radically accepting yourself as you are right now is a practice in mindfulness, noticing when you are resisting, and becoming aware of your thoughts. Some find it helpful to add “…and I (am learning how to) accept myself/my body” after these thoughts.

Appreciation: Showing gratitude, expressing thankfulness, and appreciating our qualities. Set aesthetics aside for a moment. How amazing is it that our hearts beat, lungs breathe, and blood pumps without our conscious awareness? Many of us have been bashing our bodies for years, putting them through the wringer, meanwhile our bodies are out here just doing what they can to keep us alive. That deserves some appreciation.

Additional Steps:

  • Develop an awareness of diet culture, notice how it is everywhere, and mentally send it to the trash

  • Challenge the “thin or fit ideal”, body standards, and food rules - these are all made up

  • Cultivate the belief that all bodies are worthy of respect no matter the size, shape, weight, or how they look

  • Embrace and celebrate body diversity - we could all eat and move the same amount and still look different

  • Note what your body allows you to do, see, smell, taste, hear, and experience. Soak in those glimmers.

  • When you notice resistance or negativity towards your body:

    • Where did you learn this from?

    • Does someone profit or gain power from planting this insecurity?

    • Would you say this to a loved one?

    • Does this thought help you get closer to the kind of relationship you want to have with your body?

    • What would be a more helpful thought to get you there?

      • Tap into self compassion, respect, and kindness

“What peace, power, or joy can be gained by deciding that this body I am inextricably tied to for the rest of my life is my enemy?” - Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body Is Not An Apology

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