The Fastest Way To Stop Feeling Controlled By Food And Weight

The Fastest Way To Stop Feeling Controlled By Food And Weight


It’s not you, it’s the diet.

We think we are controlling food and our weight… when in reality, they are often controlling us.

Steps to take to stop feeling controlled by food and your weight:

  • Cancel weight loss goals

  • Delete food and weight tracking apps

  • Throw away your scale (and food scale)

  • Remove judgements (good, bad, junk, healthy, unhealthy, dirty, clean, etc) around food

  • Unfollow people who keep you in diet mentality, mute if they’re loved ones

  • Reject diet trends (Noom, WW, Whole30, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Macros, Clean Eating..)

  • Learn about Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, Body Liberation, and Diet Culture

This is a hot take and it’s usually easier said than done. If any of these steps are hard, you aren’t alone. ⁣Working with a therapist and/or registered dietitian who specialize in Intuitive Eating can help. There is a lot to learn… and un-learn to heal your relationship with food and your body.

Note: When I say ‘fastest’, I might be talking weeks and months, not hours and days. Think of how long you’ve been in diet mentality AND how many years you’ve lived in diet culture (take your age and subtract 0).⁣ People usually start with whichever one stands out to them and builds from there.

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